Bear Basin Packtrips, LLC
473 County Road 271
Westcliffe, CO 81252
719-783-2519 (phone)
866-244-4691 (fax)
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3 & 5 DAY TRIPS – Hiking with pack stock supported camps

Do you love the feeling of standing on top the world, but are leery of ropes and sheer heights? Our Trekking Trip is a 3 or 5-day non-technical mountaineering tour with packstock support that will take you into the remote wilds of theSangre de Cristo Wilderness Area and offer you the opportunity to safely climb 13,000 ft. peaks without having to rely on cumbersome ropes and harnesses. No previous climbing experience is necessary, and for larger groups, some in your party may not wish to climb at all. But for those who have climbed before, we can customize the routes we take to match your skill level and ensure each that each guest has a challenging and adventuresome experience. 

  On our Trekking trip, camping is safari style. Packhorses carry comfortable tents, kitchen and personal gear between spectacular wilderness camps leaving our guests free to carry only light daypacks. This trip is for healthy participants in good physical condition. Although the distances traveled are not long (the longest day we cover is about 9 miles), we do climb steep trails at high altitudes between 8,500 to 12,500 ft.